Environmental Policy
New Pig provides world-class innovative solutions that help our customers keep their workplaces clean and safe. Our customers rely on us and the products we supply to help them protect their employees, the public, and the environment.
We believe in minimizing our own environmental impact, helping our customers to achieve similar goals, and ensuring that our partners are aware of our commitment to Near-Zero impact on the environment. We will:
Assess the environmental interactions of our activities, products, and services to identify improvement opportunities.
Control our processes, procedures, equipment, facilities, and activities to Prevent Pollution and conserve natural resources.
Comply with environmental regulations and other applicable requirements, both internal and external.
Continually Improve our performance by establishing relevant objectives and measuring our progress.
New Pig team members and our partners understand that achieving Near-Zero impact will help us to be profitable, socially responsible, and protect the environment for future generations.
ISO 14001 Certification